Songambele Marathon, September 5th, 2021

Songambele Marathon is an event that aims at supporting people with disability, providing wheel chairs, assistive devices and health insurances. This is to reduce the financial burden faced by most of the people with disabilities since its hard for them to afford due to their disability. Running the Songambele Marathon is supporting people with disability.

Please share this information with your family and friends. Lets run!

Participation fees:
5km = 5000Tsh / Meeting Time: 7:00 am / Start: 7:30 am
10km = 10000Tsh / Meeting Time: 6:45 / Start: 7:00 am

Songambele Marathon
Meeting Point: Uhuru Park, Mimosa Restaurant, Moshi, Kilimanjaro

Songambele Marathon 2021 highlights.